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    Coming soon

    Full control of your construction projects in the palm of your hand

    Vreix is a mobile ERP that makes it easy to manage construction projects, from within the construction. The ideal and easy to use system that allows you to save time and money.

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    Una app moderna y sencilla para la obra 

    Current construction management systems are costly and hard to use from within the site, that is why we are developing a mobile app to manage, standardise and optimise the most important aspects in the construction site, in a mobile, agile and easy way.

    Keep track of everyday tasks per each worker or subcontractor, control consumption and costs of materials and stock, have an overview of all projects in real time and compare real costs and times with planned ones.

    We need your help

    Vreix is in its early stage of development and we need volunteers to test our prototype to ensure the best experience for our future users.

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    Main features


    • Keep tasks record for each worker or subcontractor.
    • Record spent materials and consumables for each task.


    • Check your progress in real time.
    • Easy to read and export reports.
    • Easily share with your clients.


    • Keep track or your stock in real time.
    • Get notifications when low on stock of a certain product.
    • Get reminders of when new materials are coming.
    Try the prototype

    Vreix: the ideal app to connect with your construction projects.


    • With an easy to use interfase so everyone can use it.

    Get alerts

    • On processes delays.
    • When low on stock.
    • When to receive new materials.

    Use on site

    • Access every tool from your smartphone.
    Try the prototype


    Be part of this project

    Think about the tools that would make your job easier, we can make them a reality!

    All your feedback is valuable and the process is as easy as scheduling an online meeting with the Vreix team. Try the prototype whenever and wherever you'd like, completely free of charge.

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    Vreix is a project from Quavanti

    We create custom solutions

    Quavanti is an agency that detonates your organisation's growth through high level digital services as:

    • Modern corporate branding.
    • Advanced digital marketing in social networks and search engines.
    • Corporate systems implementation like ERPs, CRMs, etc.
    • Web and e-commerce design and development.
    • Software and apps development.
    See more from Quavanti


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